Harvester Liquid

Harvester Liquid, with diquat, is a broad spectrum, rapid-acting, contact herbicide. Ideal for use on small bodies of water or small weed patches. Successfully controls a broad range of submersed, floating and emersed weeds in still lakes, ponds, and ditches.
Great on land too!
Use around patios, ornamental gardens, and along fence lines. Rapidly absorbed by foliage. Begins to work immediately on contact. Wilting and loss of foliage occur quite rapidly.
Effective anytime live foliage is accessible. Best results when applied to well developed foliage, but before growth becomes too dense or weeds flower.
Turbid water or mud covered foliage will reduce absorption and effectiveness.
For difficult to control weeds, add Cutrine-Plus Liquid to boost effectiveness. In or out of water, Harvester Liquid is very strongly bound to foliage and will not rinse off.
One quart of Harvester Liquid covers 5,000 sq.ft. of submersed weeds or 8,000 to 10,000 sq.ft. of floating, emersed or terrestrial weeds.
For submersed weeds, dilute 6.5 oz. of Harvester Liquid and 1.5 to 2.5 ozs. of Cygnet Plus Liquid per gallon of solution. Inject below surface with a tank sprayer or pour into water in strips 20 to 40 feet apart.
For floating, emersed or terrestrial weeds, use 3/4 oz. of Harvester Liquid and 1.0 oz. of Cygnet Plus Liquid per gallon of solution. Thoroughly spray exposed foliage. Foliage not contacted by spray will not be controlled. Repeat as necessary at 14 to 21 day intervals.
Effective on many different weeds.
Treat heavy infestations in sections of 1/3 to 1/2 of total weed volume to avoid oxygen depletion. Allow 5 to 7 days before continuing to untreated sections.
See our Water Use Restrictions (Days) chart for restrictions for treated water.