AquaClear Liquid

AquaClear Liquid is a blend of environmentally beneficial microorganisms available in both pellet and liquid form. AquaClear Liquid is a safe, natural, effective way to clean up your pond or lake front and provide a healthy aquatic environment.
Improve water quality!
AquaClear Liquid contains microorganisms which use nitrogen and phosphorous present in water and bottom sediment to improve water clarity, reduce organic buildup and eliminate odors. AquaClear Liquid will consume excess nutrients in water. As nutrient levels drop, balance returns to the water and microbe levels also drop. Once balance is restored, continue monthly to maintain a high level of water quality.
The microorganisms in AquaClear Liquid are confirmed to be a non-pathogenic, non-genetically manipulated, non-harmful species of environmentally beneficial microbes. These microbes are typically present in all regions of the world and occur naturally in ponds and lakes.
AquaClear Liquid works in water containing high or low levels of oxygen. Optimum results occur in waters with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0, and at temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Water in most ponds and lakes fall within these ranges.
Organisms in AquaClear Liquid may consume herbicides. Do not apply in the same physical form at the same time. Allow 3 weeks before or after herbicide application before applying AquaClear Liquid. This does not apply to Cutrine-Plus.
AquaClear will:
Reduce and eliminate black anaerobic soil.
Reduce and eliminate decaying organic matter.
Eliminate odor due to organic buildup.
Increase water clarity improving aesthetics.
Increase water quality.
Ensure good algae balance.
Promote a healthy aquatic environment.
AquaClear will not:
Harm fish, animals, birds, plants or humans.
Control algae blooms.
Limit water uses including swimming, fishing or irrigation.
Work below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Harm fiberglass, aluminum or wood.
Deplete oxygen levels.
Begin applying AquaClear Liquid in the spring when the water temperature rises to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer. Repeat weekly for 4 weeks or until desired water quality is achieved. Continue monthly to maintain a high level of water quality.
Use AquaClear Liquid weekly to clean up your pond water. Determine the volume of water to be treated in acre-ft. Use 1 gallon of AquaClear Liquid per acre-ft. of treated water. Dilute with 9 parts water and spray or pour into the pond. Wave action and natural currents will distribute microorganisms uniformly in a few hours.
When treating half or less of a body of water or under high stress conditions such as drought, following heavy rains or during algae bloom, double the amounts shown above.
Water in areas treated with AquaClear Liquid has no use restrictions.