Aquacide Blog
Healthy Pond: I Have "Jelly Balls" In My Pond!
bryozoa How to Clean a Pond jelly balls Lake Muck moss animals Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning
"Jelly Balls" are not found in every are more common than most people realize. These gelatinous balls to rocks or sticks on the pond can break loose and float on the water surface. These "Jelly Balls" are a primitive colonial invertebrate known as (common name is moss animals). They are firm and slimy to the touch and can range from golf ball to basketball size. They are not fish or frog eggs, a form of algae or lake bacteria. Even though they appear to be something out of a science fiction movie or from outer space, they are completely harmless to you and...
Aquatic Weed Control: Three Ways To Get Rid of Common Cattails
Aquacide Pellets aquaneat aquatic weed control Broadleaf Cattail Cattail Control Common Cattail Kill Cattail shore klear

It is generally not a good rule of thumb to place any type of aquatic vegetation into a private lake or pond. However, Common Cattails are one of the species that can be utilized, carefully, to add dimension to the water body. Because of the thick root system and dense growth of Cattails in general, they are a great type of erosion-control. Cattails also provide great habitat for waterfowl, especially wood ducks. Several species of birds also use Cattails as a perch, and Cattails provide habitat for other aquatic animal life as well as cover for small fish. Although there...
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Ways To Remove Brazilian Elodea
aquatic herbicides Aquatic Weed Control aquatic weed killer Brazilian Elodea Elodea Hydrilla Lake Weeds pond weed pond weed control pondweed identification
Brazilian Elodea (egeria densa) was introduced to this country about 100 years ago. It was an attractive oxygen producing plant primarily sold as an aquarium plant. It can now be found in 40 States including Hawaii. It is an aggressive lake weed, very similar to both American Elodea and Hydrilla. All three are submersed and rooted to the lake bottom. Leaves of Brazilian Elodea have minute teeth not visible by the naked eye. It spreads primarily by floating fragments that simply re-root. It does not use seeds or tubers. Stems are long and slender and rarely branch. Each leaf is...
Aquatic Weed Control: 5 Chemical options for algae removal
Copper Sulfate Cutrine Plus Green Clean Harvester Liquid Hydrothol
When algae becomes overabundant it can lower the recreational and aesthetic qualities in a pond or lake. It can also alter some of the natural pond qualities such as fish habitat. The following chemical options can be used for pond algae removal. Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate (GreenClean) This is a fast-acting algaecide, with results noticeable within several hours in the form of algae discoloration from green to a whitish or cream color. Its mode of action is oxidation, producing 100 times its volume of oxygen as it eliminates chlorophyll in the immediate application area. It completely biodegrades into naturally occurring compounds...
Lake Weed Control: Q&A Shoreline Clean-up
Aquacide Pellets Aquathol Super K aquatic weed killer Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Lake Muck Lake Rake lake weeds Shore Klear Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding lake weed control. Below is his question and our response. Question: I live on a fresh water lake, our beach is sand covered with a little mud. It’s a gradual slope out about 200’ to a depth of 15’...I have used Aquacide Pellets before with some success but my question is if there is a product I can apply now while the lake is out that will kill the weed roots? The lake is all the way out and the bottom is exposed. Not frozen, just damp? Answer: There are two main types of aquatic weed...