Aquacide Blog — Milfoil
Aquatic Weed Control: Eurasian Milfoil 5 Options for Control
aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil Control lake weed control Milfoil Milfoil Control
5 Solutions for Eradicating Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Many of our customers ask where this invasive weed came from. Eurasian Milfoil originated in Europe and Asia and made its way to the United States a century ago. From the 1940's to the 1970's it grew primarily along the east coast. Over the years it has been transported on the backs of animals & water fowl along with hitching a ride on boat propellers and trailers. By the late 1960's and early 1970's, Eurasian Milfoil made its way all the way to the West coast states. Eurasian Milfoil typically has 12...
Q & A - Suggest a treatment for Milfoil Control.
Aquacide Pellets Lake Weed Identification Milfoil Milfoil Control
A customer recently contacted us regarding weed control. Below is the question and our response. Question: We have Milfoil and a weed that grows from the bottom and gets 5-6 feet tall, and just the top of it sticks out of the water. What do you suggest? CM, Middlebury, VT Answer: Aquacide Pellets are a systemic option for Milfoil control. Aquacide Pellets can be used for spot treatment or treatment of an entire pond. For best results, apply early spring as new growth begins to appear at the rate of 10 lbs. per 4,000 sq. ft. (100’ x 40’). Normally...
Inland Lake Weeds Becoming Increasingly Problematic Here
aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil Control lake weed control Lake Weed Identification Milfoil Milfoil Control
The ongoing battle against aquatic weeds on Kenosha County’s inland lakes is getting tougher as one of the most invasive species is developing an herbicide-resistant strain, and ongoing drought changes the landscape of the lakes. Managing weed growth on lakes is the primary focus of the associations that work to care for inland lakes like Camp Lake and Paddock Lake. Without artificial controls, the lake weeds — especially invasive species like Eurasian watermilfoil — spread in thick mats, making it difficult for boats to move through the water. The Eurasian species first showed up in the United States in about...
Hydrilla & Other Invasive Lake Weeds could be Outlawed.
Hydrilla invasive lake weeds Lake Weed Control Lake Weeds Milfoil
Yates County legislators want to hear from the public about the potential for a local law to prevent the spread of invasive, non-native species into the waterways of the county. PHOTO/ Robert L. Johnson Hydrilla is an aggressive invasive species that can grow up to a foot a day, say experts. The Yates County Legislature will not vote on a proposed local law intended to prevent the introduction and movement of aquatic invasive species in Yates County waters during their April 8 meeting as previously planned because additional work needs to be done on the draft law, explains District...
Controlling Aquatic Exotic Lake Weeds
2 4-D aquacide pellets Aquathol Super K Eurasian Milfoil Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Granular Milfoil Shore Klear Liquid
WHAT CAN BE DONE TO CONTROL EXOTIC AQUATIC PLANTS? Prevention is the first defense in exotic species control. However, once an exotic weed has colonized a lake, early detection and a rapid response approach is the most effective method to control the spread of the plant. What approach works best in a given situation is dependent on several variables. Many exotic plants are transported on boats and boat trailers. If you trailer your boat from lake to lake, wash before re-launching. Monitoring is key to early detection. Plant surveys are often conducted with a global positioning system that allows the...