Aquacide Blog — Aqua Neat Liquid
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Chemicals What Will Kill American Lotus
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquatic weed control shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) is commonly known as duck acorn or water nut. American Lotus is a perennial weed that have floating circular leaves 1-3 feet wide, with stems attached to the center of the leaf underside. Young weeds float flat on the water surface, mature leaves rise above the water surface. American Lotus is similar in appearance to Water Lilies, but without a slit in the leaf. It has a solitary large pale yellow 20 petal flower with a cone-shaped seed pod in the flower center similar in appearance to a American Lotus will reproduce from seed and rhizomes....
Aquatic Weed Control: 3 Ways to Kill Water Pennywort
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control emersed aquatic weed shore klear Shore Klear Liquid Water Pennywort weed control
Water Pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata) is a very common perennial aquatic weed that will form dense mats that creep along shorelines of ponds, lakes and marshes. It has bright green round leaves that alternate on a long stem. These circular leaves are typically the size of a half dollar. Long stems are attached at center of each leaf. Water Pennywort has delicate clusters of tiny 5-petaled white flowers. It reproduces from seed or roots. There is no known biological method of control. 3 control methods: 1) Physical removal is an option for seed and root reduction. This method can be difficult...
Q & A - How Do I Eliminate Japanese Knotweed
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid Japanese Knotweed knotweed shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding riverfront maintenance. Below is the question and our response. Question: Will Sonar or your other products eliminate Japanese Knotweed? This invasive is being transported downstream in a riverine environment and attaching itself on the banks where it proliferates. NL, Harvard, MA Answer: Sonar is a systemic option that may give partial control. Sonar is recommended for use in ponds and lakes, but not in rivers or streams. Aquacide Pellets are a second systemic option designed for use early spring as new growth begins to sprout, in areas with little water flow. For best results, apply...
Q & A - What is the Best Way to Reduce Floating Bogs & Water Lilies?
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquaneat beneficial bacteria shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & bog control. Below is the question and our response. Question: Hello, I have a 30 acre pond with Water Lilies and floating bogs. What is the best product to reduce or eliminate these and how would I apply it. Thanks. MK, Wauwatosa, WI Answer: Aquacide Pellets are an excellent systemic option for early Spring control of Water Lilies. For best results, apply when new pads begin to rise to the water surface at the rate of 10 lbs. per 2,500 sq. ft. (50’ x 50’). Repeat treatment 3-5 weeks after the first application if...
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Ways To Kill Pickerelweed
2 4-d Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer aquatic weeds emersed aquatic weed glyphosate shore klear Shore Klear Liquid weed control
Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) is an emersed aquatic weed that grows 3-4 feet tall. Leaves are large and shiny with a heart-shaped base. Each leaf has very fine veins is attached toon its own stem in clusters. Pickerelweed is easily recognized by its beautiful 4” spike of blue-purple flowers. Each flower has 6 petal-like parts united below into a tube. Flowers bloom from June through November and attract insects, bees and butterflies. Pickerelweed reproduces from seed & rhizomes rooted in the mud. Control methods: 1) Aquacide Pellets are a 2,4-D based, systemic aquatic weed killer that is best-applied early spring as new...