Aquacide Blog — AquaShade

Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways to Kill Chara

Algae Control AquaShade Aquashadow beneficial bacteria Cutrine Plus Inert Dye Starry Stonewort Water Weed Rake WEED RAKER

Chara (Starwort or skunkweed) is a light green form of algae.  It has around 6 spike-like branches whorled around each node. Chara is often confused for Coontail, a rooted weed. It has no flower, stays submerged and never rises above the water surface. Mid-season, as it matures, Chara will have a crunchy or gritty texture due to calcium carbonate deposits on the leaves. When crushed, Chara has a musty odor. Chara will keep bottom sediment from erosion. It is important fish habitat and food for small aquatic animals, ducks, trout, bluegills and bass. It grows rapidly and can easily take...

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Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways to Kill Bushy Pondweed

AquaShade Aquashadow Aquathol Super K Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Hydrothol Granular Water Weed Rake Weed Raking Weed Razer weeds

One of the most common submersed lake weeds is Bushy Pondweed. Bushy Pondweed is an annual weed that grows from the pond bottom. It has thread-like narrow leaves ½” long and oppositely arranged, or whorled in groups of 3 on slender sparsely branched stems. Lake weed identification can be made by the microscopic teeth along the leaves edge. Single seeds are found at the leaf base. This water weed can be found growing in depths of 10 feet or more. Bushy Pondweed reproduces from seed and fragmentation (tiny pieces of water weed that re-root). It grows in any pond or...

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Aquatic Weed Control: Spring Maintainence For A Healthy Pond

aquaclear AquaClear Pellets AquaShade aquatic weed control aquatic weeds beneficial bacteria sludge digester Water Weed Rake Weed Cutting Weed Raking Weed Razer

Ponds can be essential for watering animals, irrigating lawns and gardens, and for water recreation. Some aquatic vegetation can be beneficial to a pond, as fish and wildlife habitat or structural support to avoid erosion. When left unattended aquatic vegetation can get out of hand, limiting fish movement, reducing recreational activity and limiting the ability to irrigate. A of 2-3 feet will reduce sunlight penetration to the bottom. Without sunlight, weeds struggle to grow. To maintain shoreline, avoid allowing livestock access to the pond. This will prevent banks from being trampled and animal waste from entering the pond. Animal waste...

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