Ponds can be essential for watering animals, irrigating lawns and gardens, and for water recreation.
Some aquatic vegetation can be beneficial to a pond, as fish and wildlife habitat or structural support to avoid erosion. When left unattended aquatic vegetation can get out of hand, limiting fish movement, reducing recreational activity and limiting the ability to irrigate.
A of 2-3 feet will reduce sunlight penetration to the bottom. Without sunlight, weeds struggle to grow. To maintain shoreline, avoid allowing livestock access to the pond. This will prevent banks from being trampled and animal waste from entering the pond. Animal waste will fertilize the pond, increasing weed growth.
Animal waste, runoff and dead vegetation are consumed by bacteria. Beginning early spring, when water temperature is 40 degrees or warmer, apply AquaClear, a natural, beneficial bacteria, to strip nutrients from the pond that weeds thrive on. This sludge works by reducing the nutrient level. The amount of new growth should be significantly reduced. Apply AquaClear weekly until desired water quality is achieved.
Additionally, in the spring, physically remove new weeds by hand pulling, weed raking (Weed Rakeror weed cutting (Weed Razer) when they are small and foliage is at a minimum. Remove as many fragments as possible. Weeds may reproduce from small fragments left suspended in the pond.
Pond dye (Aquashade) can also be added to the pond prior to weed growth, or after early spring weed removal. Pond dye will block the sunlight that, once again, weeds need to grow.
Asian triploid grass carp will graze on aquatic weeds. State Fishery Biologists recommend stocking 5 to 15 fish per acre, depending on the severity of the weed infestation. It may take one year for fish to adequately control vegetation. Grass carp can live up to 15 years, however, effectiveness will be reduced as mature.
Chemical control will help to regain control of a weed infested pond. Begin by identifying the weeds in your pond. For free weed identification and product recommendation, weed sample photos can be e-mailed to Weeds@KillLakeWeeds.com or mailed to us at Aquacide Company, 1627 9 Street, White Bear 55110. For assistance with proper application rate, the length, width and maximum depth of the pond
Any time chemicals are used, read the label on the recommended product completely prior to application.
Please feel free to e-mail me or post questions you may have and I will respond accordingly.
Read what our customers have to say about our products:
Review for AquaClear Liquid
“Works great as stated, thanks so much!!!!!".
- Gary H.