Aquacide Blog — Shore Klear Liquid
3 Ways to Get Rid of Common (Broadleaf) Cattails (Updated)
Aquacide Pellets aquaneat Broadleaf Cattails Cattails Shore Klear Liquid

It is generally not a good rule of thumb to place any type of aquatic vegetation into a private lake or pond. However, Common Cattails are one of the species that can be utilized, carefully, to add dimension to the water body. Because of the thick root system and dense growth of Cattails in general, they are a great type of erosion-control. Cattails also provide great habitat for waterfowl, especially wood ducks. Many species of birds will also use Cattails as a perch, and Cattails provide habitat for other aquatic animal life like frogs and turtles, as well as cover for small fish. Although...
Q & A - How Do I Get Rid of Duck Potato?
Aquacide Pellets AquaClear Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have a plant that has over run my pond – I think it is duck potato. How can I get rid of some of it? Answer: Duck Potato is also known as Arrowhead, Indian potato or Wapato. Arrowhead, (sagittaria latifolia), is named for its arrow-shaped emergent leaves (some leaves may be elliptical shaped with sharp tips). Clusters of tiny white 3-petal flowers attached to a thick stalk are sometimes present. Arrowhead is normally found in shallow wetlands and produces edible tubers that were...
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Chemicals What Will Kill American Lotus
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquatic weed control shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) is commonly known as duck acorn or water nut. American Lotus is a perennial weed that have floating circular leaves 1-3 feet wide, with stems attached to the center of the leaf underside. Young weeds float flat on the water surface, mature leaves rise above the water surface. American Lotus is similar in appearance to Water Lilies, but without a slit in the leaf. It has a solitary large pale yellow 20 petal flower with a cone-shaped seed pod in the flower center similar in appearance to a American Lotus will reproduce from seed and rhizomes....
Aquatic Weed Control: 3 Ways to Kill Water Pennywort
Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control emersed aquatic weed shore klear Shore Klear Liquid Water Pennywort weed control
Water Pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata) is a very common perennial aquatic weed that will form dense mats that creep along shorelines of ponds, lakes and marshes. It has bright green round leaves that alternate on a long stem. These circular leaves are typically the size of a half dollar. Long stems are attached at center of each leaf. Water Pennywort has delicate clusters of tiny 5-petaled white flowers. It reproduces from seed or roots. There is no known biological method of control. 3 control methods: 1) Physical removal is an option for seed and root reduction. This method can be difficult...
Aquatic Weed Control: 3 Ways To Kill Bulrush
2 4-d Aquacide Pellets aquaneat aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Bulrush Control glyphosate lake weed control lake weed killer lake weeds shore klear Shore Klear Liquid spraying aquatic herbicides weed control Weed Cutting Weed Raking Weed Razer
Bulrush (scripus) is an emersed, perennial, grass-like weed that grows in shallow water. Bulrush grows up to 10 feet tall in colonies from rhizomes. A leafless stem can be triangular or round and comes to a point at the tip. Loose clusters of brown flowers and seeds gather just below the tip. There is no known biological control option. Control methods: 1) Weed raking and weed cutting is an option for seed and root reduction. This method can be difficult because new weeds can sprout from seeds and root fragments left behind. 2) Aquacide Pellets are a systemic aquatic herbicide that is best...