Eliminate Pond Weeds Without Affecting Trout

aquatic herbicides pond weed pond weed control pond weed identification weed control

Weed Sample ID

A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response.


I have a ½-1 acre pond that is becoming infested with the “brushy” course type pond weed. The trouble is…I also have a large population of trout in it. Is there anything I can use that will eliminate those weeds without killing my trout?? A sincere thanks in advance…GG


We stock a large variety of pond weed control options.  All of these aquatic herbicides, when applied according to label directions, will not harm fish including trout.

It is impossible to make a specific recommendation without knowing what your “brushy” course type pond weed is. For accurate pond weed identification, remove a clean damp sample from your pond, spread it out on a flat surface.  Take a close-up digital photo and e-mail it to us at: Weeds@KillLakeWeeds.com, we would be happy to confirm the weed type and make a recommendation.

You can also place a clean damp weed sample inside a zip-lock baggie and mail it to us at:

Aquacide Company

PO Box 10748

White Bear Lake, MN 55110

Upon receipt we will confirm the weed type and respond promptly.

Please feel free to e-mail me or post questions you may have and I will respond accordingly.

Next Steps:

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To learn about lake weed analysis click here

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