Aquacide Blog — Lake Bacteria
Aquatic Herbicides: An Annual Application Recommendation for Killing Weeds
Algae Control Aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Killing Weeds Lake Bacteria Lake Muck Lake Sediment lake weed control lake weed killer Lake Weeds Pond Muck spraying aquatic herbicides Water Willow Control
Question five in the Q+A Series deals with the recommended timing and annual schedule of aquatic weed control products for killing weeds, algae control, and a lake muck removal application. Keep in mind each individual case is different. Many situations will only call for one or possibly two of these applications, or possibly something all together separate from these three. Question #5- What would be my application schedule for this? When do we begin? How often? When do we stop? In other words, what could I put on my yearly calendar to remind me to do this each year? (Feel free to refer back to...