Aquacide Blog — Pond Cleaning
How to Clean a Pond: Multiple Options to Remove Muck and Clay Particulates (Updated)
Algae Control Beneficial Bacteria for a Lake Beneficial Bacteria for a Pond Dissolve Lake Muck Dissolve Pond Muck How to Clean a Pond Lake Sediment Removal Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck Pond Muck Removal

How to Clean a Pond: 3 Cures for Muddy Water & Muck Removal
Algae Control beneficial bacteria How to Clean a Pond Lake Sediment Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck
Pond Cleaning is very important for the overall health of your pond. Pond water needs to be clear for good production of fish. Clear ponds produce several times the amount of fish than turbid ponds. , after pond cleaning, clear ponds are much more fun to swim in! Most ponds become muddy after heavy rain, runoff, when ponds turn over or from excess decayed vegetation. Normally, silt or decay should settle out within one week’s time. Water clarity is normally 1 foot or more during most of the year. Fish production will be decreased in water with less than 1 foot visibility....
Aquatic Weed Control: Beware of Blue-Green Algae!
Algae Control beneficial bacteria Cutrine Plus Lake Bacteria Lake Muck muck removal Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck pond silt removal Pond Sludge removal pond water solutions
Hot weather prompted the DNR to warn lake goers about the potential dangers of blue-green algae. While it is not uncommon to see algae blooms in the lake area in late summer, recent hot weather has prompted a warning. Blue-green algae tends to show up in small, shallow, mucky ponds. It looks exactly like its name; “blue-green” scum that resembles pea soup or spilled paint on the water surface. It also has a strong, unpleasant, swampy odor. It can erupt suddenly and be deadly. Ninety-nine percent of green algae are harmless; a nuisance and ugly, but harmless and not ALL...
Thousands of Fish Die as Heat Rises & Algae Blooms
Algae Control aquaclear beneficial bacteria Lake Bacteria Lake Muck Lake Rake Lake Sediment muck removal Natural Bacteria pond clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck pond silt removal Pond Sludge removal pondweed identification sludge digester
While many people jump in the lake to keep cool, living life underwater isn’t always enough to protect fish from the heat. Many people throughout the US have noticed fish struggling at the water surface and washing up onto their shore. This is due to the heat wave that has hovered over the Midwest over the past few weeks. Fish kills are actually common and do happen every summer, its part of the natural cycle. Oxygen levels have reached an all time low. Low oxygen levels combined with high water temperatures cause fish kills that sometimes have people convinced their...
Swimmers Itch: 8 Questions & Controlling It In Lakes & Ponds
Algae Control clean lake get rid of leaches Pond Cleaning Snails in Water Swimmers Itch
What is Swimmers Itch? Swimmers Itch (also known as Cercarial dermatitis, Lake Itch and Duck Itch) is an itchy rash that is caused by a certain type of parasite (shistosomes) that live in freshwater snails and waterfowl that gather among lake weeds. As part of their life-cycle, these parasites are released on warm sunny days and migrate through the water. They then reattach to swimmers by burrowing into the skin. Humans are not good hosts so the parasites soon die while still under the skin, which may cause an allergic reaction. Who gets Swimmers Itch? All age groups and both sexes can...