Aquacide Blog
Aquatic Herbicide Application Timing: Q&A
Algae Control AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicides glyphosate Lake Muck

“It has been over 1 week since I sprayed…There is absolutely no weeds and algae floating around! Thank you for the direction on this.” S., Edinburgh, IN Question two in the Q+A Series is recent correspondence from a customer that initially wanted to remove dead weeds and “muck” on the bottom. Beneficial pond bacteria is an excellent option. Along with the “muck” the same customer wants to control Water Willow and Algae. Question #2- Can we spray those aquatic weeds now or wait until we get our coldest weather and hope that they die down, then spray as they begin to come back?...
Water Willow | Algae Control | Lake Muck Removal: Q&A Series
Algae Control Aquacide Pellets Cutrine Plus Liqiuid Lake Muck Removal shore klear Water Willow Control
Water Willow Control Q&A Series Over the next few weeds I will be posting a series of Questions & Answers from the recent email correspondence from customers. Question #1: If I get the Cutrine-Plus Liquid and AquaClear Pellets will that control my grasses too? I think we have Water Willow; do we have to spray with something else Answer #1: Cutrine-Plus Liquid is an excellent option for controlling most varieties of algae including filamentous algae, Chara algae and planktonic algae. Cutrine-Plus Liquid will not kill lake weeds or pond weeds. Aquacide Pellets are a systemic option for early spring control when new Water...
How to Get Rid of Bladderwort: 3 Step Solution
bladderwort control Bladderwort Identification
to be a free-floating weed, fresh water, carnivorous lake weed which has more than 200 species and which is located throughout the world. This weed is generally discovered in all kinds of shallow, quiet as well as bog-like acidic waters. The main stem of this weed has 4-10 branched lateral leaves which are very delicate, thereby giving it a very lacy appearance. The major part of Bladderwort weed lies below the surface and the same goes unnoticed until the time it rises the surface and its appearance in the late spring or early summer. Once it typically reaches the surface...
Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife
Purple loosestrife, scientifically known as Lythrum salicaria, is considered to be a perennial, herbaceous weed which is commonly found along all the waterways as well as throughout wetland habitats. This weed was first introduced in Europe, somewhere during the 1800s where it was found either in the shop ballasts or as an ornamental. This kind of weed can also be found in many areas in the United States. Considering many factors, this weed is legislated for eradication. The recognition of purple loosestrife for eradication: Purple happens to be a large plant that grows up to a length of 3 meters...
5 Simple Solutions to Clean Pond Water
How to Clean a Pond Pond Cleaning
Order AquaClear Pellets dissolve Muck/Sludge Lake fronts and often ponds become very murky during the spring and early summer season. After a long winter with no filtration, the ponds generally gather fine particles that float on the water as well as more muck and sludge at the bottom, thereby causing murky brown cloudy water. These fine floating particles are usually small enough that they can pass through a number of pond filters so that the water in the pond can remain cloudy for some time. Pond cleaning is not a hassle-free process. If you practice it step by step using fair...