Aquacide Blog — aquatic herbicides

Q & A - Do You Sell a Product for Salvinia Control?

aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicides beneficial bacteria cygnet plus liquid Fluridone Liquid Natural Bacteria salvinia

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Aquatic Weed Control: 3 Ways To Kill Horned Pondweed

Aquathol Super K aquatic herbicide aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weeds endothol Fluridone Liquid Hydrothol Granular pond weed killer Sonar Sonar Granular weed control Weed Cutting Weed Raking

Horned Pondweed (Zannichellia palustris) is a submersed aquatic weed found in every state in the continental United States. It can be found in shallow freshwater lakes and ponds. Horned Pondweed is a delicate, underwater perennial with branched slender stems that sprout from creeping rhizomes. Long thread-like leaves are smooth edged without teeth. They grow from ½ to 3 inches long and are oppositely arranged or whorled on the stem. Leaves gradually taper to a point at the tip. Tiny banana shaped, slightly curved seeds are flattish in shape and serrated on one side.  They attach to the stem at the...

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Eliminate Pond Weeds Without Affecting Trout

aquatic herbicides pond weed pond weed control pond weed identification weed control

A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have a ½-1 acre pond that is becoming infested with the “brushy” course type pond weed. The trouble is…I also have a large population of trout in it. Is there anything I can use that will eliminate those weeds without killing my trout?? A sincere thanks in advance…GG Answer: We stock a large variety of pond weed control options.  All of these aquatic herbicides, when applied according to label directions, will not harm fish including trout. It is impossible to make a...

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Inland Lake Weeds Becoming Increasingly Problematic Here

aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil Control lake weed control Lake Weed Identification Milfoil Milfoil Control

The ongoing battle against aquatic weeds on Kenosha County’s inland lakes is getting tougher as one of the most invasive species is developing an herbicide-resistant strain, and ongoing drought changes the landscape of the lakes. Managing weed growth on lakes is the primary focus of the associations that work to care for inland lakes like Camp Lake and Paddock Lake. Without artificial controls, the lake weeds — especially invasive species like Eurasian watermilfoil — spread in thick mats, making it difficult for boats to move through the water. The Eurasian species first showed up in the United States in about...

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Aquatic Weed Control: Crested Floating Heart

2 4-D aquacide pellets Aquathol Super K aquatic herbicides Crested Floating Heart Hydrothol Granular Shore Klear Liquid

Crested Floating Heart is native to Asia, introduced to the U.S. through aquatic plant nurseries that still market these plants today. It escaped from cultivation in the 1990’s and has been an aquatic nuisance established in public waterways in Florida for years. Today, Crested Floating Heart is scattered abundantly throughout many southern states with tropical climates. Crested Floating Heart has heart-shaped floating leaves at the ends of long stems that are rooted in submersed sediment. It has slender, tapered clusters of tuberous roots on the underside of it's floating leaves and features a small white 5-petaled flower. These weeds propagate from...

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