Aquacide Blog — Aquacide Pellets
Water Willow | Algae Control | Lake Muck Removal: Q&A Series
Algae Control Aquacide Pellets Cutrine Plus Liqiuid Lake Muck Removal shore klear Water Willow Control
Water Willow Control Q&A Series Over the next few weeds I will be posting a series of Questions & Answers from the recent email correspondence from customers. Question #1: If I get the Cutrine-Plus Liquid and AquaClear Pellets will that control my grasses too? I think we have Water Willow; do we have to spray with something else Answer #1: Cutrine-Plus Liquid is an excellent option for controlling most varieties of algae including filamentous algae, Chara algae and planktonic algae. Cutrine-Plus Liquid will not kill lake weeds or pond weeds. Aquacide Pellets are a systemic option for early spring control when new Water...
3 Ways to Get Rid of Common (Broadleaf) Cattails (Updated)
Aquacide Pellets aquaneat Broadleaf Cattails Cattails Shore Klear Liquid

It is generally not a good rule of thumb to place any type of aquatic vegetation into a private lake or pond. However, Common Cattails are one of the species that can be utilized, carefully, to add dimension to the water body. Because of the thick root system and dense growth of Cattails in general, they are a great type of erosion-control. Cattails also provide great habitat for waterfowl, especially wood ducks. Many species of birds will also use Cattails as a perch, and Cattails provide habitat for other aquatic animal life like frogs and turtles, as well as cover for small fish. Although...
Bladderwort Identification & Bladderwort Control Options (Updated)
2 4-d Aquacide Pellets Aquatic Herbicide Aquatic Weed Control Aquatic Weed Killer Bladderwort Control Bladderwort Identification diquat liquid Fluridone Lake Weeds Water Weed Control Water Weed Cutting Water Weed Raking

Bladderwort is a free-floating, fresh water, carnivorous lake weed with over 200 species located throughout the world. Bladderwort is usually found in quiet, shallow, bog-like acidic waters. The main stem has 4-10 delicately branched lateral leaves that give it a very lacy appearance. The main part of the weed lies beneath the surface and will go unnoticed until it rises to the surface in the late Spring early Summer. Once at the water surface the weed sends up small attractive yellow flower. This flower has lip-like petals that resemble Snapdragons. Bladderwort is named for its tiny bladder-like structures located throughout its branched...
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Ways to Kill False Loosestrife
Aquacide Pellets aquatic weed control Water Weed Rake Weed Razer
False Loosestrife (Ludwigia palustris) is a perennial commonly found throughout the Upper Midwest along the muddy shores of freshwater streams, rivers and ponds. It has lance-shaped leaves ½ to 2-½” long, both floating and submersed. Leaves can be alternate or oppositely attached with smooth toothless edges that taper at the tip. Roots form in the stem joints. It has a small inconspicuous 4-sided flower in the leaf axils that bloom in August through September. False Loosestrife reproduces from seed. Control methods: 1) Physical removal. Easily pulled by weed raking or cutting with Water Weed Rake, Weed Raker or Weed Razer. To reduce...
Q & A - How Do I Get Rid of Duck Potato?
Aquacide Pellets AquaClear Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid shore klear Shore Klear Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have a plant that has over run my pond – I think it is duck potato. How can I get rid of some of it? Answer: Duck Potato is also known as Arrowhead, Indian potato or Wapato. Arrowhead, (sagittaria latifolia), is named for its arrow-shaped emergent leaves (some leaves may be elliptical shaped with sharp tips). Clusters of tiny white 3-petal flowers attached to a thick stalk are sometimes present. Arrowhead is normally found in shallow wetlands and produces edible tubers that were...