Aquacide Blog — Aquacide Pellets
Cattail Control & Cattail Removal
2 4-D aquacide pellets Cattail Control Cattail Removal Cattails glyphosate Kill Cattails
A customer recently contacted us regarding Cattail control and Cattail Removal. Below is his question and our response. Question: I have about a ¼ acre pond with an average depth of 4 feet and a significant amount of cattails. The pond was established about 13 years ago and has a significant population of fish: mostly bass and blue gill. Each year I have “gloved-up” and dug through the mud to pull up the root systems for cattail removal, but this past year I skipped and the weeds are winning! Do you have a product that will target the Cattails without...
Aquatic Weed Control: Crested Floating Heart
2 4-D aquacide pellets Aquathol Super K aquatic herbicides Crested Floating Heart Hydrothol Granular Shore Klear Liquid
Crested Floating Heart is native to Asia, introduced to the U.S. through aquatic plant nurseries that still market these plants today. It escaped from cultivation in the 1990’s and has been an aquatic nuisance established in public waterways in Florida for years. Today, Crested Floating Heart is scattered abundantly throughout many southern states with tropical climates. Crested Floating Heart has heart-shaped floating leaves at the ends of long stems that are rooted in submersed sediment. It has slender, tapered clusters of tuberous roots on the underside of it's floating leaves and features a small white 5-petaled flower. These weeds propagate from...
Water Primrose Control
2 4-D aquacide pellets aquatic herbicide Shore Klear Liquid Water Primrose Water Primrose Control
A customer recently contacted us regarding lake weed control. Below is her question and our response. QUESTION: Hello: I have property on Lay Lake (Coosa River) in Alabama. As you will see in the picture attached. I have a huge problem with weed growth along my shore line. I would appreciate you identifying them and offering a suggestion for product usage to destroy and prevent future growth. Thank- you for your assistance in the matter. RESPONSE: Your photo appears to be Water Primrose. Aquacide Pellets are an excellent systemic option that is best applied early spring as new growth begins...
Cabomba / Carolina Fanwort Control
Aquacide Pellets Cabomba Cabomba Control Carolina Fanwort Carolina Fanwort Control Fanwort Fanwort Control Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid
A customer recently contacted us regarding lake weed & algae control. Below is his question and our response. Question: Hi, For years I have been waiting for you to include Cabomba or Carolina Fanwort in your printed catalog so I could show my fellow pond residents that particular species is recognized invasive up here in MA. I have one neighbor in particular who claims the weed has been in the pond her whole life so she thinks it belongs here. She does not accept that it is a non native species that was introduced many years ago. I need you...
Controlling Aquatic Exotic Lake Weeds
2 4-D aquacide pellets Aquathol Super K Eurasian Milfoil Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Granular Milfoil Shore Klear Liquid
WHAT CAN BE DONE TO CONTROL EXOTIC AQUATIC PLANTS? Prevention is the first defense in exotic species control. However, once an exotic weed has colonized a lake, early detection and a rapid response approach is the most effective method to control the spread of the plant. What approach works best in a given situation is dependent on several variables. Many exotic plants are transported on boats and boat trailers. If you trailer your boat from lake to lake, wash before re-launching. Monitoring is key to early detection. Plant surveys are often conducted with a global positioning system that allows the...