Aquacide Blog — 2 4-d
Parrot Feather Control
2 4-D aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control coontail control parrot feather parrot feather control pond weed identification pond weed killer
A customer recently contacted us regarding Parrot Feather control. Below is his question and our response. Question: I have a small fish pond about 20’ x 30’. I have a weed called “Parrot Feather” that took over the pond which is hard to kill. I would like to try your product. Since this product is in a pellet form, will the fish eat it? Will it harm fish, frogs or crawfish? Can you also tell me what the proper way is to dispose of the stuff removed from the pond, will it propagate on land? Answer: Aquacide Pellets are an...
Controlling Aquatic Exotic Lake Weeds
2 4-D aquacide pellets Aquathol Super K Eurasian Milfoil Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Granular Milfoil Shore Klear Liquid
WHAT CAN BE DONE TO CONTROL EXOTIC AQUATIC PLANTS? Prevention is the first defense in exotic species control. However, once an exotic weed has colonized a lake, early detection and a rapid response approach is the most effective method to control the spread of the plant. What approach works best in a given situation is dependent on several variables. Many exotic plants are transported on boats and boat trailers. If you trailer your boat from lake to lake, wash before re-launching. Monitoring is key to early detection. Plant surveys are often conducted with a global positioning system that allows the...
Aquatic Weed Control: Rid your beach of Invasive Fanwort (cabomba)
2 4-d AquaClear Pellets Aquatic Weed Control Cabomba Eurasian Milfoil Fanfort Fluridone muck sediments Starry Stonewort
An invasive aquatic plant known as fanwort is an exotic beautiful plant that poses significant threats to inland lakes. Fanwort is native to South America, it is a popular aquarium plant and is thought to have been brought to the United States through the aquarium trade. It’s identified by intricate fan shaped leaves and white-pink floating flowers. It is a highly aggressive and invasive plant that can rapidly force out native aquatic plants and readily form monocultures in depths up to 3 feet. It is unknown how it spreads. There is one active ingredient know to be effective called furidone. The...
Aquatic Weed Control: Control Water Starwort
2 4-d Aquacide Pellets AquaClear Pellets Aquatic Weed Control Harvester Liquid Lake Weed Identification pond silt removal Water Starwort
Water Starwort are small delicate weeds usually found in shallow water. It has fine stems that are 10 to 20 cm long with leaves opposite and arranged in pairs. The submersed delicate leaves are a pale green and linear. The upper leaves are rounded and crowded at the top forming a rosette that floats on the surface. Water Starwort reproduces by seed and stem fragments. Ducks & other waterfowl feed on stems and fruit. Weeds also produce food and shelter for fish and aquatic insects. Aquacide Pellets will help to control Water Starwort if applied early in the season when weeds...